what is ART DROP?

[av_two_third first min_height='' vertical_alignment='' space='' custom_margin='' margin='0px' padding='0px' border='' border_color='' radius='0px' background_color='' src='' background_position='top left' background_repeat='no-repeat'][av_heading heading='what is ART DROP?' tag='h3' style='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' padding='10' color='' custom_font='' custom_class=''][/av_heading][av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' custom_class='']What is ART DROP?In short ART DROP is where I hide my artwork around the world and then design a treasure hunt where the first person to find it – gets to keep it.WHY?My mission is to create disruptive strategies of excellence both in business and in art. To create breakthrough channels of opportunity and think like no one has thought before. In business I share a message on building a culture of innovation. In art, I want to de-commoditize the notion that art is only available for sale in galleries. I think art should be made available to anyone and everyone who is willing to engage in the creative process.HOW?When I am traveling on tour I will hide my artwork in different cities around the world and then post clues on my on Facebook and Twitter. I have sincerely enjoyed the stories of those who have not only found the paintings but even from those who simply enjoyed the chase.TIP.Be engaged.Don’t limit your ability to win based on your current physical location. Most ART DROP winners have collaborated with a team of friends, family and creative contacts to secure the paintings from hundreds and thousands of miles away. Historically, the most engaged and socially creative participant will often beat out those that have the proximity advantage. I will release exclusive inside tips and clues to those that are a part of our Art of Vision online community http://theartofvision.com/contactTHANK YOUI wanted to thank all those who have been to my live performances, who have participated in previous ARTDROP treasure hunts and to those who have engaged shared their heart felt stories of what their own awakening back into their own childlike creativity..Stay tuned.https://www.facebook.com/iamerikwahlhttp://theartofvision.com/artist/art-drops/[/av_textblock][av_social_share title='' style='' buttons='' custom_class=''][/av_two_third][av_one_third min_height='' vertical_alignment='' space='' custom_margin='' margin='0px' padding='0px' border='' border_color='' radius='0px' background_color='' src='' background_position='top left' background_repeat='no-repeat'][av_image src='http://www.testartofvision.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Art_is_Freedom_320_246_c1.jpg' attachment='975' attachment_size='full' align='center' animation='no-animation' styling='' hover='' link='' target='' caption='' font_size='' appearance='' overlay_opacity='0.4' overlay_color='#000000' overlay_text_color='#ffffff' custom_class=''][/av_image][av_image src='http://www.testartofvision.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/551191_471807036163015_633848654_n_320_213_c1.jpg' attachment='976' attachment_size='full' align='center' animation='no-animation' styling='' hover='' link='' target='' caption='' font_size='' appearance='' overlay_opacity='0.4' overlay_color='#000000' overlay_text_color='#ffffff' custom_class=''][/av_image][/av_one_third]